You started this war plunged skyrim into chaos
You started this war plunged skyrim into chaos

you started this war plunged skyrim into chaos

You remained fast asleep for hours despite the noise and commotion.

you started this war plunged skyrim into chaos

Ralof: You seemed to be asleep where you currently sit when we boarded.Wulf: So, the first time any of you laid eyes on me was when we boarded this carriage?.The Jarl stared at me, and I think he has judged me to be Imperial. Wulf: Did any of you speak to me in Darkwater Crossing or even see me there?.We left Darkwater Crossing early this morning. Lokir: We were captured early in the morning of the fourteenth of Last Seed.Ralof: You don’t remember anything do you?.Ralof: They waited for General Tullius to arrive so he could lead this convoy of death.Wulf: How long did they hold us in Darkwater Crossing?.Your accent is unusual, and I have not heard its type before. But I suppose you could already be a resident of Skyrim and was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ralof: You look more Imperial than Nord.Wulf: Why do you assume I was coming from Cyrodiil?.

you started this war plunged skyrim into chaos

However, I have heard rumours that they are not safe to use anymore.

  • Ralof: There are smuggler entrances to Skyrim from Cyrodiil that come out near Darkwater Crossing.
  • Wulf: You thought I was trying to cross a border, which border?.
  • The Imperials laid a trap and swept up everybody in their net, Stormcloak or not.
  • Ralof: They captured us at Darkwater Crossing.
  • Wulf: I know nothing, not even my name.
  • you started this war plunged skyrim into chaos

    Was I to be executed as well? For what crime? Was being in the same vicinity as the Stormcloaks enough for The Empire to kill a man? I needed more information! They both fell silent as each contemplated the fate that awaits. The realisation of his possible upcoming demise terrified the thief who cried out, “No, this can’t be happening. I don’t know where we’re going, but Sovngarde awaits.” The Nord replied with melancholy, “This particular road leads to Helgen, but that might not be our final destination. But if they’ve captured you… Oh gods, where are they taking us?” The thief stared horrified at Ulfric then lamented, “Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You’re the leader of the rebellion.

    You started this war plunged skyrim into chaos